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How To Spot If You Need Chimney Repointing

Bricks and mortar can stand strong for many years. However, over time the mortar will wear away. This doesn’t always mean that the whole chimney stack needs replacing or rebuilding. In many cases, when the damage is caught early enough, chimney repointing will suffice. Let’s take a closer look at what the signs are that your chimney might need this service.

What Is Chimney Repointing?

Chimneys which are made of bricks are held together by mortar between the joints. Both bricks and mortar are durable materials, but bricks often outlast mortar. Over time, when exposed to rain, snow and other inclement weather conditions, mortar will begin to crack and wear away. If the mortar is allowed to disintegrate too far, water can permeate the chimney, leading to leaks and further damage.

Chimney repointing is done when the mortar is failing but the bricks are still in good condition. The old, crumbling mortar is cleared away and the exposed areas are thoroughly cleaned. Next, new mortar is injected into the cracks to fill all the holes.

Chimney repointing is done when the mortar is failing but the bricks are still in good condition. The old, crumbling mortar is cleared away and the exposed areas are thoroughly cleaned. Next, new mortar is injected into the cracks to fill all the holes.

Most chimneys aren’t very easy to inspect. They sit at the top of a property, usually on the roof. From the ground, you may be able to see signs of crumbling mortar or mortar which has changed colour. However, it’s also worth asking anyone who carries out periodic roof or gutter maintenance to have a glance over the chimney while they’re near it. Up close, it’s much easier to determine the condition of the mortar.

You may also notice a few signs in your home. Your fireplace can offer a couple of indicators that something isn’t right with the chimney. If your firebox is beginning to rust, this means there might be damp in the chimney, which could be seeping in through the cracks in the mortar. More extensive damp problems could show themselves by damaging your wallpaper or walls. If you notice that the walls that surround the chimney are looking worse for wear, you may need chimney repointing.

How Often Is Repointing Needed?

The majority of chimneys will need repointing roughly every 30 years. Harsh weather conditions can accelerate the need for repairs and maintenance.

For Chimney Repointing, Choose High Spec Roofing

If you need chimney repointing, look no further than our expert team. We carry out roof and chimney repairs regularly, ensuring that our clients have high quality installations that will last for many years to come. Contact us today to discuss any of our services and schedule a consultation.

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